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Episode 11: Homeward Bound - Part 5

Expedition to Ferus Mundus: Day 2
     I suppose I should consider myself fortunate to be writing a second entry on this trip at all. I'd like to consider the odds of us being attacked on our first day here, but something tells me that I don't really want to know the answer to that. We had fallen into a trap set up by two female primerans. They didn't seem to want to harm us, just take our valuables, but were clearly willing to engage if they felt like we were being uncooperative. The tiger, named Durga, was doing the majority of the talking while the ram, Trill, simply chimed in once and a while. Takai was ready to fight her way out while I attempted to back her up if needed. Monster didn't really do anything, he just stood around glaring. Ani, on the other hand, was too thick to realize that this was a trap and was asking Takai and I to put our weapons away so that 'they' wouldn't feel too threatened to help us. The two primerans simply played along with Ani suggesting they would be happy to help if we gave them all of our supplies and equipment. I had to be the one to call Ani out on his ignorance, perhaps a bit too aggressively, but I needed him to get his head in the game.
      Ani didn't seem to want to believe that we were the victims of these new primeran's con, and tried to explain that what they were doing was wrong and that we had somewhere important to be. The 'Sirens,' as Takai called them, laughed off Ani's protest and asked what was so important that they should release us. Oddly enough, after Animal explained where we were heading and for what reason, the laughing quickly stopped and the two Sirens gave each other a stern look. Takai chastised Ani for revealing the nature of our quest to the two thieves, but ultimately it seemed to work. Trill took out an ornately decorated violin-looking instrument and began to play it. As she did so, the ground beneath our feet warped itself back into its original state.
      With a shifty smile, Durga approached us and apologized for 'delaying such an important mission,' and asked that she and Trill be allowed to join us so that they might escort us safely to the city of Pandemonium. Ani was of course happy to have resolved the conflict peacefully, but the rest of us knew well enough the scent of bullshit when we smelled it. Takai and Monster played along but instructed that Durga and Trill remain in front of us so that they could 'lead the way.' Ani, still excited at the prospect of meeting new primerans stayed by their sides and assaulted them with one question after another, especially Trill. After only a few minutes I swore those two were going to drop the act out of sheer annoyance from Ani's questioning. Takai walked alongside me and asked more about Ani's past, as she had never seen a primeran with his mannerisms and attitude before. She was aware from the start that he was a lost one, but I elaborated to her that he was raised by humans and spent that vast majority of his life in isolation, a fact that I was grateful for. Takai seemed unsure of what I meant as we continued our way mostly in silence.
      After several hours, I noticed that our daylight was fading, but that strange moon-like object that provided our light had barely moved, if at all, across the sky. It simply was providing less light than it had done hours earlier. I asked about it and Takai explained that the primeran moon pulses over a period of roughly twenty four hours. Strange, I thought, but also oddly convenient. Takai expressed that it would be best to make camp before continuing as nightfall was even more dangerous. As we made camp, I noticed that Takai was somewhat avoiding me, most likely due to our previous conversation. I approached her and explained that I was sorry if our last conversation made it seem that I was untrusting of her and other primerans and that I did value her friendship. She seemed pleased by my intuition and was thankful for my apology, but that it wasn't necessary. After the work was done, I visited Takai once more and we continued our conversation. She revealed that her reaction to my words was not so much of sadness in my assumed distrust of her, but rather the fact that she knew it came from my experiences with Monster and what he had done to us. She was, and is, incredibly loyal to him, and I admitted that he has changed since our encounter with Ghast. She was very thankful that I was able to acknowledge this, as it gave her the hope that others would eventually see that same change in time. From what I could tell, the two of them have a very long road ahead in achieving their goals after we deal with Takai's brother, another fact that I can see is burdening her thoughts.
      We spent the night taking watch with one of ours always keeping an eye on Trill and Durga, though truth be told, Ani's questioning was enough a threat of torture to keep them from trying anything. Before turning in I had asked Takai what was so dangerous about nightfall here, she then told me stories of large mindless and violent creatures called 'Chimera' that stalked around the dark places of their world, feasting on lost primerans. When I tried to ask her more about them, she simply explained that 'Some things are best left alone and forgotten...” With that unfortunate bit of knowledge left to keep me awake, I eventually fell asleep due to pure exhaustion.
      In the morning we set out again. I was still tired from lack of sleep but I could tell that Durga and Trill were far worse off, and knowing why brought a smile to my face. Soon enough we reached the outer walls of Pandemonium. The city was massive and built around a large elevated hill or some small mountainous natural structure. The walls were high but the city was elevated, which made looking in to see the details a bit easier. There was a large building at the summit of the city and from it numerous walls that extended down throughout it to the base of the outer walls, which divided it into numerous sections or perhaps districts. 
     The top of each dividing wall acted as some kind of aqueduct that used gravity to distribute water throughout the city. Each district also seemed to have alternating styles of architecture and different foliage growing in each for some specific purpose. Several towers dotted each district and were connected by a wire or cable that ran between them all the way up to the structure at the city's summit. From what I could tell, this was not the hand holding multicultural paradise that I'm sure Takai's wishes it was or that Ani was hoping for. High walls, elevated infrastructure, guard towers with connections to the main hub, specifically grown crops in segregated districts, and water originating from and controlled by the those in charge? Peaceful my ass, this place is a military state.