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May 2023

 Now that my main work related responsibilities have wrapped up for the next few months, I'll have more time to produce art related pieces and work on other projects. Below is some of the work that was made over the last few weeks. The first is a painting using a new brand of drawing inks that are water soluble. The brand is called Graphix Aqua Ink if you're looking to try it out for yourself. I was listening to a lot of synth wave music lately and it put me in a cyberpunk kind of mood, that and I thought I could use some practice with city architecture, something I don't dabble in enough, but will have to for a future project soon enough.

Next up is a the main composition for the logo that will be used for the board game I have been developing, Curse of the Night. I think I'm pleased with it, but there will be more added once I have it scanned and put into the computer, such as color, cleaning the line work, etc. Overall, I think I am happy with it.

I had a friend contact me and asked if I was willing to do a portrait of his buddy's dog that had recently passed away. I have soft spot for animals and I'm all too aware of the pain that comes from losing a pet, so I was happy to help out.

Finally, here is an in progress oil painting of Legendary Godzilla, which is being done as a request for my nephew. Though not my favorite iteration of the character, this piece is giving me the opportunity to try some new things with the medium. Additionally, the process is being filmed and will be the first of the new speed painting videos that will go up on the YouTube channel next month, hope you come take a look!

That's all for now, I'll be back next month with a new video and more work, so please look forward to it!
